Hi Guys,
I organised a party celebrating family members who are
turning or have turned the big zero this year and also as a family
reunion. The big get together actually
is for my mum, turning 80 this year. My family travelled from far parts of the
country to be there.
Nevertheless, she hates being the centre of attention and having
a big focus on her age. Like me! She loves the idea of a get together at a
restaurant with her family with no emphasis on her age. I thought it would be
brilliant for her, especially now she can relax and enjoy life. After years of
caring for my father with Alzheimer’s and he was not an easy person to live
with. He liked to be the centre of attention so would have made things
difficult. But he is being well cared for in residential care now and life is a
little easier for all.
I have to say that the evening worked out exceptionally well,
bearing in mind we all had to wait a long time for our food. My nephew Adam saved the night for all of us with
getting the bill halved going from a big $700 in total to us paying $40 dollars
each except mum, she was being spoiled.
The invtiation I made for our party
Photos of the night. Mum with her ipad my brother and I got for her.